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Keywords: growgenerationScotts Miracle-Gro’s struggling Hawthorne seeks marijuana M&A deals
Scotts Miracle-Gro’s audacious $1.7 billion foray into the marijuana business over the past decade is a sensitive topic for the father-son team whose family helped build the lawn and garden giant.
Cannabis grow-supply giant terminates Michigan deal, moves into New Mexico
GrowGeneration Corp., a Denver-based specialty hydroponic and organic garden center giant, is terminating a previously announced deal to purchase HGS Hydro, which owns a chain of hydroponic garden centers across Michigan.
Marijuana cultivation giant purchases gardening store in Washington state
Cannabis cultivation company GrowGeneration Corp. is continuing its shopping spree, announcing it has purchased Hoagtech Hydroponics, a hydroponic equipment and indoor gardening store based in Bellingham, Washington.
How to sell an ancillary cannabis business: Q&A with Lbs Distribution CEO Ross Haley
When Ross Haley entered the cannabis industry 20 years ago, it was to sell the proverbial “picks and shovels” with Ag Natural, an ancillary company he founded to focus on gardening supplies for Northern California marijuana farmers.
Cannabis grow-supply giant buys Michigan garden center chain
Denver-based cannabis cultivation company GrowGeneration Corp. said it is buying HGS Hydro, a chain of hydroponic garden centers with six stores across Michigan and a seventh store slated to open in the fall.