Wana Brands creates immersive public art installation in Denver

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marijuana brand markets with new project, Wana Brands creates immersive public art installation in Denver

Three vacant homes in Denver’s Tennyson neighborhood became a canvas this summer as artists banded together to create the Art House Project, an immersive public art installation.

Infused products maker Wana Brands of Boulder, Colorado, partnered with Denver real estate company Reactiv for the project, which involved murals, projections, immersive performances and a boutique.

The homes chosen for the project originally were slated for redevelopment, but construction was put on hold because of the coronavirus crisis.

“The Wana Art House Project posed a unique opportunity during uncertain times, when redevelopment was paused due to the pandemic. With support from Wana Brands, we’ve transformed three vacant properties into a community destination, while providing jobs for more than 20 artists and retail space for small entrepreneurs,” said Tim Sack, Reactiv’s activation director.