A slew of recent studies have boosted the medical marijuana cause, with some finding MMJ doesn’t increase crime or teen pot use and others concluding that cannabis can help patients with multiple sclerosis and even lower suicide rates.
But a new study released this week isn’t as rosy for the cannabis industry, casting serious doubts about medical marijuana’s effectiveness in treating depression, anxiety, migraines and post-traumatic stress disorder.
The study, conducted by the University of Arizona for the state’s Department of Health Services, cites a lack of concrete evidence beyond anecdotal statements that marijuana can help ease these symptoms.
One important note: Researchers didn’t actually conduct any scientific tests themselves. Rather, they poured over other studies and the methodology behind them.
The results of the university’s study could have some real-world implications, particularly in Arizona, where officials are considering expanding the list of medical conditions that qualify for a medical marijuana card. Other states could use this study as well to restrict or scale back their MMJ programs.
On the other hand, the study didn’t conduct any original research and therefore is easy to dismiss. It’s also pretty easy to find a study that backs up your position on MMJ – either for or against – so this report in itself might not have much weight.