Cash courier to resume cannabis services after resolving seizure lawsuit

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An armored car company that carries legal marijuana proceeds will resume services in California’s San Bernardino County after the local sheriff’s department dropped its legal claims.

The announcement comes just weeks after the U.S. Department of Justice agreed to return $1.1 million in proceeds seized last year by county sheriff deputies from two vehicles operated by Denver-based Empyreal Logistics.

In return, Empyreal agreed to drop its lawsuit against the DOJ.

“Both parties understand that each were acting in good faith when the stops were conducted and have come to an understanding that will enable both sides to move forward amicably,” the Sheriff’s Department said in a statement reported by The Sun in San Bernardino County.

“Both sides also acknowledge that Empyreal is part of the solution to help with financial transparency (in the legal marijuana industry) and that San Bernardino deputies are not highway robbers as previously reported in the media,” the statement added.

Empyreal Logistics does business in more than two dozen states as a cash courier for legal marijuana businesses and other industries.

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“Now that the funds have been returned and after meeting with the sheriff, we are confident that we can continue serving state-legal businesses without future disruptions,” Empyreal CEO Deirdra O’Gorman said in a statement reported by The Sun.

The Sheriff’s Department, for its part, stressed that its narcotics division will continue to crack down on illegal marijuana operations.