Colorado grow shop hit with EPA fines for unlabeled pesticides

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An agricultural grow shop in a Denver suburb was slapped with a $27,500 fine by federal regulators for repackaging and selling pesticides without the required labeling.

At least two of the pesticides in question led directly to marijuana product recalls in recent years.

The situation could prove another indication the federal government is keeping an increasingly close eye on the marijuana industry.

Grow Depot in Northglenn agreed to the fine by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency after the bureau found that hop employees were pouring pesticides into 1-ounce containers from the original bottles and selling them without proper legal labeling, the Denver Post reported.

Among the four pesticides the company resold were Avid 0.15 EC Miticide and Eagle 20EW. Both were cited as reason for Colorado marijuana recalls in 2015 when pesticide residues were found on cannabis products. Eagle 20, in particular, contains myclobutanil, which emits hydrogen cyanide when burned.

The Grow Depot’s violations occurred in May 2016. As part of a settlement deal with the EPA, the company has agreed to cease selling unregistered pesticides.