Marijuana Business Magazine - April 2018

Tax Free Zone 47 Acres On Sovereign Tribal Land ONLY 120 miles away from LA County. Phone 619.653.0483 Growers generally plant 2,600 to 5,800 plants per acre in single rows with 18 to 30 inches between plants in the row on 5.0- to 6.5-foot centers.  Background Information MJ plants typically require 9 square feet per plant. An acre is 43,560 square feet. Thus, without any added row spacing beside the 9 sq. ft., you can fit 4,840 plants. At 2 lbs per plant. MJ plants typically require 9 square feet per plant. An acre is 43,560 square feet. Thus, without any added row spacing beside the 9 sq. ft., you can fit 4,840 plants. At 2 lbs per plant - 9,680 lbs. at $1,000 per LB Green house Market Value is ($1500) per LB 4 cycles per year - $38,720,000 Per Acre $1,161,600,000 per annum (utilizing 30 of the 47 acres) Opportunity of a Lifetime!! Images are for illustrative purposes only and do not represent the specific businesses