Marijuana Business Magazine March 2019

March 2019 | 17 Mother Nature. We can’t try to beat her. The best innovations that I’ve seen are ones that are having more pink, yellow, orange and red rays. Less blue rays. What type of lights are those exactly? Right now, there are more LEDs that are taking on a kind of a high-pressure sodium approach, where the light actually does produce heat. I’m a firm believer that photosynthesis occurs with a certain degree of heat on it. I imagine that a plant feels the sun touching it, that there’s warmth there, so it wants to kind of come out and continue to grow. Peo- ple who try to build lights without heat in them are missing a very important component. I would suggest LEDs that are carrying a little bit of heat with them. I look forward to when a quad-arc bulb comes out. But that’s going to be a hot bulb. You’re going to need to double your AC. Still, you won’t need as many lights to get the same throughput. A 40-light room with dual-ended lights could be a 20-light room with that new bulb. What should cannabis business owners be looking for in cultivators? Find someone who is extremely willing to learn. Then I would look into their current processes: “Show me a garden you’ve done. Show me how you’ll go from the four-light setup in your basement to the 400 lights we’ve set up and we’re designing down the street.” When you have four lights in your basement, you can be the grower who takes all the clones, transplants everything, moves them into veg, trims them. You do everything along the way. With 400 lights rolling, you’ve probably got 15 flower rooms. You’ve got so much going on, you have to have efficiencies, and you have to have all of these things streamlined so you can educate them without your involvement. And they can, more importantly, do them to your standards. Get people who are willing to learn. This interview has been edited for length and clarity. ClearWater Tech Ozone Purification Systems are the most effective and sustainable tools available to manage multiple issues within a grow facility. Providing superior disinfection of the water and air, ClearWater Tech systems clean and disinfect surfaces, equipment, recycling water for reuse, and control odor in and around the facility. CIP Panel-Mount C1-Series Mobile Cart MEET REGULATIONS EFFECTIVELY, SAFELY, AND ORGANICALLY WITH OZONE WATER TREATMENT CONTROL GROW ROOM CONTAMINANTS ............................ • CONTROL MOLD, MILDEW, & ODOR • ELIMINATE PATHOGENS WHILE ADDING OXYGEN • CONTAMINATE CONTROL AND BOD/COD REDUCTION • REMOVES HARMFUL MICROBES ON ALL SURFACES • REDUCE CHEMICALS Contact ClearWater Tech and let one of our experienced application engineers help you select the proper system for your facility. ClearWater Tech, LLC - Since 1986 Ozone Systems for Water & Air Purification 800.262.0203 | 805.549.9724 |