Florida Beach Town Approves Land for Dispensaries

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A Florida town is already paving the way for medical marijuana dispensaries.

City commissioners in Cocoa Beach passed an ordinance Thursday night to approve two locations for medical marijuana dispensaries. The spots comply with the zoning ordinances approved by the city, which include a 1,000-foot buffer from a school or church and a 200-foot buffer from two busy streets.

While numerous entrepreneurs have already made plans for medical marijuana businesses, Cocoa Beach is one of the first cities to do so. Florida will vote on its medical marijuana bill – called Amendment 2 – in November. While early polling is positive, the measure must be approved by a 60% super majority to pass.

City leaders said they are simply being proactive ahead of November’s vote. Mayor Dave Netterstrom said he wants to have a plan in place, “so we don’t have a dozen of these show up all over town.”

, Florida Beach Town Approves Land for DispensariesThe locations approved for dispensaries has irked some residents in Cocoa Beach, as both spots are located adjacent to tourist areas. But city leaders said these are the only two areas that comply with zoning restrictions.

“It’s not perfect what we’ve got, but it’s something so we can control the process,” Netterstrom said.