Georgia Entrepreneur Tries to Get Jump on MMJ Legalization

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An entrepreneur in Georgia is already laying the groundwork to distribute medical marijuana, even though the state doesn’t appear close to legalizing the drug.

Daniel Macris has launched Halcyon Organics LLC, which he hopes will one day be able to manufacture and dispense medical marijuana.

Macris is planning to buy land to build a greenhouse, where he will cultivate herbs and produce. He will sell these products to restaurants as he waits for lawmakers to pass medical marijuana legislation, with plans to convert the greenhouse to an MMJ operation if legalization becomes a reality.

Macris said he could have a crop of medical cannabis available to patients within four months.

There’s no guarantee Macris would be able to meet the requirements to grow and sell medical cannabis should Georgia eventually pass a bill.

Still, his enthusiasm highlights how attractive the marijuana industry has become to entrepreneurs, even in states where the plant is still illegal. Georgia lawmakers have hinted that medical marijuana legislation could be on the distant horizon. But the Senate failed to vote on a CBD-specific bill that was introduced earlier this year.

, Georgia Entrepreneur Tries to Get Jump on MMJ LegalizationEager entrepreneurs have also pursued cannabis ventures in Florida, which has yet to legalize medical marijuana.

Macris said he has secured funding for the company and organized a team of “law-abiding cannabis professionals.” He has also secured the rights to grow the high-CBD strain of cannabis called “Haleigh’s Hope.”