MMJ Breakthrough? Medical Cannabis Management to Mass Produce New THC-Filled Electronic Cigarette

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Electronic cigarettes have been a godsend for thousands of nicotine fiends across the United States, providing a new way to puff without the smoke, smell and serious health consequences.

Now, an MMJ company is hoping to do the same for patients who smoke pot to ease their pain.

Medical Cannabis Management is gearing up to unveil a new THC-infused electronic cigarette, announcing that it has found a manufacturer and will begin producing the product immediately.

The publicly traded company, which provides marketing and consulting to MMJ businesses, believes that the product will “revolutionize”  the medical pot industry. The electronic cigarettes will contain cartridges filled with liquid THC in different flavors and dosages. Medical cannabis patients can use the devices to get all the pain-easing benefits of pot, exhaling odorless, carcinogen-free water vapor instead of smoke.

“I cannot describe how excited I am about this new product,” Mike Amezquita, chief executive officer of Medical Cannabis Management, said in a press release announcing development of the product. “While it is important to produce medical cannabis, having a much more viable delivery method is even more important. This could change the whole industry.”

The company will initially market the product to medical marijuana dispensaries and physicians. It has not disclosed details on how much the e-cigarettes and THC cartridges will cost.

There are a handful of small vaporizers on the market, though most don’t sell cartridges specifically with THC liquid. Last year, a group of scientists and entrepreneurs released a THC e-cig called Vapor Rush, offering an initial kit with refill cartridges for $100. But the product quietly disappeared, and the Vapor Rush website is no longer operational. Several dispensaries report that several companies do make THC-filled cartridges on a limited basis, though Medical Cannabis Management hopes to bring the idea more into the mainstream MMJ community.

The legality of such devices is unclear, given that the federal government, individual states and even cities and counties all have their own medical marijuana laws and regulations.