Marijuana marketing may be taking a step toward mainstream promotions. An ancillary medical marijuana education company called the New England Grass Roots Institute has found a Boston-area radio station, WBOS-FM, willing to run its ads.
Accepting the ads for broadcast marks a change for radio stations. Subject to federal oversight via the FCC, Greater Boston’s WBOS-FM could, in theory, be putting its broadcasting license at risk by promoting marijuana-related businesses.
The radio spots discuss the many ways medical marijuana can be consumed, and that it can be used effectively as part of a healthy lifestyle. “Is it right for you? Talk to your doctor, then talk to us,” the ad says.
Massachusetts’ MMJ statute strictly limits what can be promoted in medical marijuana advertising. Dispensaries are not allowed to make any claims regarding the safety or efficacy of marijuana “unless supported by substantial evidence,” or to promote it for any use other than treating debilitating medical conditions.
In an interview with the Boston Herald, Institute founder Mike Fitzgerald says these rules do not apply to his company, which is not a dispensary.