Cannabis advocates in North Dakota are sprinting to the finish line to place a question about legalizing adult-use marijuana on the state’s November ballot.
A 25-member sponsoring committee submitted a petition to the state secretary on Monday, Fargo-based news service InForum reported.
If the petition is approved for circulation, the advocates would need 15,582 signatures from North Dakota residents by July 11 to make the November ballot.
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The petition:
- Details a proposal for setting up retail marijuana stores and cultivation operations.
- Would legalize the possession and purchase of small amounts of marijuana for anyone 21 and older.
- Calls for marijuana products to be tested as well as labeled and tracked through a traceability program.
- Directs state regulators to establish rules and create the legal marijuana program by October 2023.
Last year, North Dakota’s state Senate overwhelmingly defeated a bill to legalize recreational marijuana that was written with similar language.