Now Hiring: Nevada Brings On Facility Inspectors

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Nevada continues to implement its rules governing medical marijuana dispensaries, and last week an official confirmed that the state will soon hire six inspectors and one supervisor to oversee the facilities.

The team will regulate activities at roughly 150 facilities, including 66 dispensaries planned for the state. The seven individuals are part of a team of 12 in total which have been authorized and funded by the state.

The hiring announcement reinforces the likelihood of dispensaries opening this summer, following concerns the program would be delayed.

It remains to be seen if the inspectors will have enough capacity to properly oversee the program. Colorado’s recreational marijuana program,  for example, saw licensing backlogs due in part to staff shortages.

While the facility-to-inspector ratio is in line with Nevada’s inspection program of medical facilities, the differences between regular health care oversight and a medical marijuana program are significant. Among many other duties, the inspectors for the new program will be required to ensure no plants leave the facility, and that round-the-clock security remains in place.