Business Licenses Issued in IL Before FBI Checks Completed

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In his hurry to get permits issued to medical marijuana businesses, Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner overlooked a key step in the vetting process: conducting criminal background checks.

None of the companies awarded licenses have been through the requisite checks, according to the Associated Press.

Federal background checks – which involve running the names of the founders and key executives through an FBI database – are required under state law for all companies receiving a license to operate a medical marijuana business in Illinois.

It’s possible some companies could have their licenses yanked after the checks. The state’s MMJ program bars anyone who has been convicted of a violent crime or a drug felony, though there’s some leeway with individuals convicted of crimes related to the medical use of cannabis, the AP reported.

The background checks could further delay the state’s medical cannabis program.

The FBI still has to sign off on a revision that former Gov. Pat Quinn made to the state law in his last hours in office. After that, both the FBI and the Illinois State Police will have to get updated software and coordinate with three other state agencies and fingerprint vendors. Only then can the checks be completed, the AP reported.