Supporters of a recreational marijuana ballot measure in California handed in more than 600,000 signatures supporting their effort, indicating the initiative is virtually assured of going before voters in November.
Supporters amassed a comfortable cushion of signatures, given that the initiative needs just 365,880 valid ones.
The campaign already has garnered a significant coalition of high-profile supporters, ranging from Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom – who was on hand for the campaign launch in San Francisco Wednesday – to national groups such as the Marijuana Policy Project and the Drug Policy Alliance.
Major California players such as the state chapter of the NAACP, the California Medical Association, two sitting local U.S. congressmen, and the California chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws also are on board.
It also appears public opinion is on the campaign’s side: A February poll showed 60% of Californians support legalization.
While adult use was once rejected narrowly in California, this year’s outcome could very well be different.