Another California marijuana testing lab accused of falsifying results

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Another California cannabis testing lab has been accused by a former employee of misrepresenting marijuana potency numbers.

The allegation emerged because of a legal dispute between Oregon-based Green Leaf Lab, which also has a facility in Sacramento, and competitor 2 River Labs, according to the Sacramento Business Journal.

Only three months earlier, a different Sacramento marijuana testing lab, Sequoia Analytical, was shuttered after it came to light the company had falsified test results for hundreds of cannabis products.

Green Leaf sued 2 River Labs in January, alleging that Sacramento-based 2 River Labs’ former director, Renee Engle-Goodner, stole trade secrets and delivered them to that company, where she now works.

In a cross-complaint filed recently, Engle-Goodner claimed that at Green Leaf’s Portland, Oregon lab, she was asked “whether she would be comfortable ‘fudging’ potency numbers in cannabis products,” the Business Journal reported.

Engle-Goodner alleges Green Leaf CEO Rowshan Reordan said falsifying test results was needed to “increase business.”

Engle-Goodner also contends she was terminated last October by Green Leaf for complaining about a hostile work environment and that her testing falsification allegations do not extend to Green Leaf’s California lab, where she never worked.

An attorney for Green Leaf called Engle-Goodner’s cross-complaint “a way to distract from the allegations … (that) involve unlawful misappropriation of trade secrets.” The attorney said a detailed response would be forthcoming in another court filing.

Green Leaf opened for business in Sacramento on Feb. 15 with a state testing lab license that’s valid through Sept. 4.

The California Bureau of Cannabis Control declined to comment on the allegations.