Colorado medical cannabis companies in patent dispute

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A Colorado marijuana company is suing another firm in the state for patent infringement involving its cannabinoid-based medical product formula.

United Cannabis Corp. (UCANN) of Golden filed the lawsuit in Denver U.S. District Court on Monday against Pure Hemp Collective of Conifer.

The Denver Post reported the lawsuit seeks an injunction prohibiting Pure Hemp from copying the United Cannabis formulas as well as damages.

UCANN is seeking triple damages, arguing that Pure Hemp’s actions were “willful.”

A message requesting comment from Pure Hemp on Tuesday was not immediately returned.

The lawsuit describes United Cannabis as a biotechnology company that develops cannabis as a medicine and owns a federal patent for enriched extracts of plant cannabinoids.

According to the lawsuit, by imitating compounds in the human body, UCANN’s phytocannabinoid therapies treat diseases including:

  • Autism
  • Cancer
  • Chronic pain
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Glaucoma
  • Paralysis

– Associated Press