First marijuana harvest underway in Alaska

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The first legal commercial marijuana harvests have commenced in Alaska, meaning the state is one step closer to kicking off the latest adult-use cannabis market in this country.

At least seven of the 12 licensed cultivators in the state have begun harvesting their grows for soon-to-open rec shops, according to the Alaska Dispatch News. Some began harvesting up to a month ago, the paper reported.

Cultivators that look like they’ll be first to market include Greatland Ganja, Rosie Creek Farm, Subsistence Products, Pakalolo Supply Co., Tanana Herb Company, Green Rush Gardens, and Elevated Innovations.

So far, 17 retailers have been licensed by the state, with scores more waiting to be approved for business permits.

One hurdle that remains between growers and retailers, however, is mandated testing. So far there are only two labs in the state that are licensed, neither of which is operational. And both of them are located in Anchorage, which is a six-hour drive from cannabis businesses in Fairbanks.

The two labs may open for business between mid-October and early November, the Dispatch News reported.