First marijuana social equity consumption lounge licensed in Denver

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Denver approved the city’s first social equity license for a marijuana consumption lounge, a move that could lead to a boost in sales for the market as people have more places to consume.

Tetra Lounge, located in city’s downtown, received what regulators call a “marijuana hospitality establishment” permit, the Denver Gazette reported, so the business is cleared to open for people to legally consume marijuana in public.

Another Denver business, The Coffee Joint, has previously allowed cannabis consumption on its premises, but patrons could smoke only outdoors. The business was grandfathered in under the new program.

The city revamped its hospitality business rules while overhauling marijuana program regulations.

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Under Denver’s regulations, only qualified social equity applicants are eligible to apply for hospitality establishment permits in for the first six years of the program.

A spokesperson for the city’s Marijuana Enforcement Division told the Denver Gazette the city has received two more social equity applications for consumption lounges.