Hillary Clinton Calls for Rescheduling Marijuana

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The predictions are coming true: Cannabis is beginning to play a larger role in presidential politics.

Most recently, Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton staked out a formal position on federal cannabis reform, telling a campaign rally on Saturday that she wants to move marijuana from Schedule 1 to Schedule 2 to allow for further research into the medicinal benefits of the plant.

“The problem with medical marijuana is there is a lot of anecdotal evidence about how well it works for certain conditions,” Clinton said, according to CNN. “But we haven’t done any research. Why? Because it is considered…a Schedule I drug.”

Clinton’s closest competitor for the Democratic presidential nomination, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, recently came out in favor of lifting the federal ban on marijuana altogether, and even filed a bill to that end in the U.S. Senate.

Other presidential hopefuls on the GOP side have also made overtures toward easing marijuana restrictions, taking a states’ rights stance.

Rescheduling has been the subject of heated debate among activists for a long time, as some say it actually wouldn’t do much tangible good for the industry.