Inspector Turnover Could Delay Nevada Dispensaries

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That appears to be the situation for medical marijuana businesses in Nevada after a series of issues have held up dispensary openings. Now, turnover among state inspectors threatens to introduce even more delays, according to the Las Vegas Sun.

Two inspectors charged with ensuring compliance of cannabis businesses have stepped down recently, leaving the state stretched thin in southern counties. Nevada is now relying on an inspector based in the northern part of the state to drive south when needed, the newspaper reported.

Nevada’s medical marijuana program manager said one position will be filled within the next week and the other within the month.

Still, the new hires will need time to be trained and learn about facilities and regulations, which could push back the licensing process for some dispensaries waiting on final approval, according to a lawyer for several MMJ clients.

Inspectors must ensure dispensaries are in compliance with various health aspects of the state’s medical marijuana laws, including cleanliness and pesticide use, as well as production and operational standards, according to the Sun.

Nevada dispensaries have run into several complications as they try to open their doors.

Silver State Relief was scheduled to launch last week but had to hold off due to regulatory issues involving pesticide use. Euphoria Wellness in Las Vegas had hoped to open in June but was unable to begin operations as questions mounted about how much marijuana it could buy from home growers.