The Las Vegas City Council voted 4-1 Wednesday to create a new business license and land-use regulations for marijuana social use venues, a move that could open new business opportunities for entrepreneurs and increase revenue for licensed cannabis retailers.
In the program’s first 12 months, only existing owners of marijuana retail licenses can apply for a social use permit where customers could consume cannabis products. After the first year, anyone is welcome to apply.
That means the first social use venues could open this summer, he noted.
The rules also:
- Prohibit venue owners from selling, providing or distributing marijuana or marijuana products, such as flower, concentrates or infused products.
- Do not allow social use venues to be located within 1,000 feet of any school or non-restricted gaming facilities, or 300 feet from city parks, churches or houses of worship, individual care or group home facilities, community recreation centers, or any facility that has a primary function of providing recreational opportunities to minors, including libraries, art galleries, museums and martial arts studios.
- Make an exception to the minimum separation requirements for existing dispensaries that are currently operating within those minimum separation requirements.
- Allow licensees to sell or provide marijuana paraphernalia, such as vaporizers or rolling papers.
- Require applicants to submit plans for security, employee training, air quality, fire safety and odor control.
- Require licensees to pay a $5,000 annual fee.