Ohio Medical Cannabis Campaign Cleared for Petition Circulation

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The Marijuana Policy Project’s Ohio campaign to legalize medical cannabis has been cleared for signature gathering by the state ballot board.

Now, the real work begins: The campaign must gather at least 305,591 valid signatures of registered voters from across the state by July 6 to make the 2016 November ballot.

MPP spokesman Mason Tvert said the organization plans to rely on both volunteers and paid signature gatherers in order to make the ballot.

If MPP can get the measure on the ballot, it likely stands a decent chance of passing, as repeated polls in the state have found over 80% support for medical cannabis in general.

That would create a host of new business opportunities in a brand new market, given Ohio’s population of nearly 12 million. While there would be a cap of 15 licenses for large-scale growers, there’s no such limit for smaller-scale cultivators or for dispensaries.

Full details of the initiative can be found here.