Oklahoma lawyers’ group cautions members about medical cannabis industry

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The Oklahoma Bar Association warned its members about getting involved in the state’s new medical marijuana industry, an advisory that could discourage lawyers from representing cannabis businesses.

The warning came in an email newsletter to members. The advisory:
  • Urged “caution due to ramifications of state and federal law being in conflict.”
  • Recommended that members “may also want to contact their malpractice insurance carrier if they intend to give advice or provide representation on issues” related to the new law.
  • Stated that Oklahoma Bar Association President Kimberly Hays has called for language to be prepared and presented to the state’s House of Delegates that would resolve concerns.

Other states have also taken steps to protect attorneys that work with marijuana companies, including Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Ohio, Oregon, Nevada, Washington and, most recently, California.

Oklahoma voters legalized medical marijuana on June 26, and the state made MJ business applications available online Thursday.