WA State Farmer Gets a Ton of Publicity for Marijuana Auction

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Dozens of media outlets, ranging from USA Today to the Daily Mail, the UK’s largest newspaper, have been eagerly reporting on a marijuana auction to be held at Fireweed Farms in Prosser WA this Saturday. Washington State marijuana enforcement authorities will attend the auction. All bidders must register, producing ID and a state license to process or sell cannabis at retail.

News reports vary widely as to how much cannabis will be sold — from 500 to 2,000 pounds. The farm reportedly has 450 plants, some as tall as twelve feet, all grown in outside fields. Auction marketing materials claim 30 strains will be sold, including, “Unkown” (typo not ours.)

Although some news reports make it sound as though farm owner Randy Williams is auctioning the crop because he’s more interested in an immediate vacation than in packaging his crop, the farm’s site clearly states that all product sold will be trimmed, dried, tested and packaged for sale per buyer request. Also, not all of the crop being auctioned may be ready for immediate delivery – the farm’s site states it could take up to 30 days.

Williams is no stranger to media exposure. In August, press reported that Fireweed Farms was growing unusually tall cannabis.  In July, news reports covered Williams as he purchased marijuana, originally grown at his own farm, from a local licensed retailer.

So, is Williams a relaxed, naive farmer or a hardworking, canny promoter? Either way, it seems that business is very good.