California gov extends cities’ venue options when licensing temporary marijuana events

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California Gov. Jerry Brown signed a bill that allows local governments to issue temporary cannabis event licenses at any venue – but municipalities still have the authority to reject permits, underscoring the control local officials continue to wield over the state’s marijuana industry.

Assembly Bill 2020 replaces a law that allowed only events with cannabis sales and consumption to be held on county fairgrounds.

Several cities expressed interest in approving temporary events but were restricted by the former state law, the author of the bill, Assembly Member Bill Quirk, said in a news release.

AB 2020 was designed to be a boon to small businesses and local economies by giving cities more autonomy to determine how cannabis events take place in the state, he said.

The news release also noted that AB 2020 has provisions granting the Bureau of Cannabis Control and law enforcement the authority to revoke a permit or end an event if any unlawful or disallowed activity is identified.