Congressman: Law Enforcement Should Drop San Diego MMJ Case

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A California congressman is calling on the San Diego law enforcement community to abandon its case against a medical cannabis product wholesaler, following the U.S. D. Department of Justice’s decision this week to drop its lawsuit against Harborside Health Center in Oakland.

“The DOJ should never have brought charges in the first place,” Rep. Dana Rohrabacher said in a statement shared with Marijuana Business Daily, in reference to the Harborside case.

“Other federal agencies and law enforcement throughout the state and the country should pay close attention and withdraw from their overzealous persecution and prosecution of the medical marijuana industry.”

The Republican congressman helped write into law language that bars the U.S. government from spending federal dollars to crack down on MMJ businesses in state-regulated markets.

“Cases like the one against Med-West in San Diego should be dropped and prosecutors should instead use their resources against murderers, rapists, robbers and terrorists,” Rohrabacher said.

Law enforcement authorities raided Med-West on Jan. 28. Founder James Slatic, a pioneer in the cannabis industry, launched an online campaign to raise money to help pay legal fees, saying cash had been seized and bank accounts frozen.