Low-dose CBD to be legal without a prescription in New Zealand

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Low-dose CBD products will be legal to buy without a prescription in New Zealand, but it might be a while before they’re available.

The New Zealand Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Authority (Medsafe) reclassified the products after reviewing the risks and benefits of low-dose CBD, according to Australia-based news outlet Hemp Gazette.

“The reclassification will allow supply of approved low-dose CBD medicines, by registered pharmacists, without prescription for patients aged 18 years and older under certain conditions,” according to Medsafe’s Oct. 17 announcement.

“Only CBD medicines approved under the Medicines Act 1981 will be available from a registered pharmacist.”

The reclassified products must contain 150 milligrams of CBD or less per dose and no more than 4.5 grams of CBD per package.

The New Zealand reclassification comes after a similar review in 2020 by Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration permitted the sale of low-dose CBD products.

However, sales cannot begin in either New Zealand or Australia until low-dose CBD products are approved by regulators in those countries.

That hasn’t happened yet, according to the Hemp Gazette.

The news outlet also noted that “no approved low-dose CBD medicines (are) available” in either country right now.

“However, a number of companies are racing to get qualifying products to market in Australia,” the Hemp Gazette reported, “and with New Zealand now on board there’s some extra incentive to get prospective S3 CBD medicines across the line sooner rather than later.”