Michigan completes phase-out of medical cannabis caregivers

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Michigan regulators finished phasing out all medical marijuana caregivers as part of the state’s retail cannabis supply chain, leaving all responsibility for MJ production in the hands of licensed growers.

According to Ann Arbor radio station WUOM, a transition that began in March was finally completed Wednesday.

While caregivers will still be allowed to operate on behalf of registered patients, they won’t be allowed to sell their excess marijuana inventory to retail stores anymore.

In the meantime, production by licensed companies has ramped up dramatically, the executive director of the state’s Marijuana Regulatory Agency told WUOM.

Agency chief Andrew Brisbo said the number of licensed plants being grown in Michigan has nearly quadrupled since January, from roughly 110,000 to 424,000.

That has kept prices and supply stable instead of throwing the market into tumult, he said.

The number of registered caregivers in Michigan has decreased, from 37,875 in October 2019 to 31,521 in September 2020 as recreational marijuana sales have steadily begun replacing a significant amount of medical cannabis sales.

That’s a trend that has played out in several other states that have also legalized adult use after first developing an MMJ market.