Oregon Regulators, Dispensary Owners Meet

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Medical marijuana regulators in Oregon have conducted two dozen surprise visits at dispensaries over the past three months, one of which resulted in a closure.

The Oregon Liquor Control Commission, which oversees the state’s cannabis industry, shared that information at a weekend meeting with more than 100 marijuana business owners and employees. Officials held the meeting to discuss the first few months of the state’s legal dispensary program.

Tom Burns, director of the dispensary program, said a dispensary in Portland was forced to close after inspectors witnessed consumption of cannabis on the premises, the sale of products to unlicensed customers and security problems.

At the meeting, regulators provided dispensary representatives with a checklist to prepare for the inspections. Action items on the list include making sure surveillance equipment records for 30 days, using proper packaging and labeling, and being stringent with checking patient licenses.

Businesses also need to prepare for an inventory audit by regulators to ensure products are not being sold to the black market, Burns said.

, Oregon Regulators, Dispensary Owners MeetThe forum allowed business representatives to pepper regulators with questions.

Among the queries: Can a dispensary remain open if a school opens next door? (No.) Can a dispensary ditch the childproof packaging if the customer is elderly and isn’t around children? (No.) Is the dispensary or the grower responsible for ensuring that products are tested? (Dispensary.) Can a dispensary sell seeds to a grower? (No.)