Oklahoma medical cannabis growers could face legal hurdle in obtaining seed

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Cultivators selected for Oklahoma’s emerging medical marijuana industry may face a challenge in starting up operations, particularly when it comes to obtaining seed.

Since marijuana products are prohibited by federal law from crossing state lines, some are wondering how growers are going to get seed to make the tight program deadlines, the CHNI news service reported.

Under a ballot initiative approved by voters last week, the state must begin to accept license applications within 30 days.

“There has to be an exception to get that initial seed into the state, correct, but we’ll work that out and get that into our language,” Tom Bates, interim commissioner of the state Department of Health, told CHNI.

Bates’ agency has been drafting emergency rules to regulate Oklahoma’s MMJ industry.

Marijuana Business Daily projects Oklahoma’s MMJ market, if it stands in its current form, could generate $100 million-$150 million annually within several years of the launch.