Oregon Considers Tinkering With Rec Legalization Law

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After giving the thumbs up to more than half a million dollars in funding to begin implementing Measure 91 – the law Oregon voters passed last month to legalize recreational marijuana – state legislators immediately began toying with the idea of changing up the wording of the law.

According to The Oregonian, policymakers discussed possibilities that include doing away with the medical marijuana industry, restricting cannabis shop locations and lowering possession limits.

“We’re in the mode right now where everybody is throwing things up in the air and seeing what sticks,” one lobbyist told the newspaper.

The only concrete thing that came out of the meeting, aside from funding for the Oregon Liquor Control Commission to begin working on regulations, was the promise of a special joint committee made up of state senators and representatives to take a closer look at issues surrounding rec legalization.

One big difference between Oregon and some other states that have approved marijuana via the ballot, such as Colorado: Oregon’s measure is only enshrined in law instead of the state constitution, which means lawmakers have the power to alter it as long as they have the votes in the state Legislature.