Arkansas Senate passes medical cannabis bills affecting edibles, advertising

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Arkansas marijuana entrepreneurs took note as the state Senate passed two bills aimed at restricting medical cannabis’ desirability to children by limiting certain edibles and restricting MMJ advertising.

The two bills passed Tuesday codify rules already spelled out by the state’s Alcoholic Beverage Control Division.

The measures were sent to the state House for consideration.

One bill stipulates that medical marijuana cannot be manufactured in a way that would appeal to children, such as in cartoon character shapes or in “familiar” foods such as candy or brownies. It does not regulate home use of edibles.

The measure passed 26-2.

The second bill, passed unanimously, regulates marijuana advertising by requiring health risk statements in ads and prohibiting advertising near schools and in programming that might be seen by children.

Arkansas has licensed 32 dispensaries and expects sales to begin as soon as next month.

– Associated Press and Marijuana Business Daily