New Oklahoma medical cannabis rules include changes to pre-rolls, testing

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New rules went into effect Monday for Oklahoma medical marijuana businesses, including allowing medical cannabis dispensaries to package and sell pre-rolls up to 1 gram in weight.

According to The Norman Transcript, emergency rules from House Bill 2646, HB 2904 and Senate Bill 1033 also:

  • Prohibit the operation of a marijuana testing lab while having ownership of or a financial interest in a cultivation operation or a dispensary.
  • Prevent dispensaries from displaying samples of medical cannabis weighing “no more than three grams” in display cases for customers to inspect, provided the samples are not for sale.
  • Strengthen the partnership between the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority (OMAA) and the state’s Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs.
  • Allow the OMMA to hire 76 new employees to improve compliance and enforcement.

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The new pre-roll regulations will benefit dispensaries but likely hurt the licensed processors that, until the change, were the only businesses allowed to package them.